5 tips to improve your website

  1. Make sure you have a FAVICON

  2. Have analytics in place

  3. Don’t ignore SEO

  4. Have clear Calls to Action

  5. Don’t give prospects the opportunity to bounce


Your Favicon. For those that don’t know, your FAVICON is the image that appears in the domain tab at the top of the screen. Lincolnshire Market’s is a LM symbol. Google’s is a G symbol, Eventbrite is an E symbol. Typically it’s your logo and it’s a way for your audience to be able to quickly navigate through their tabs to find the open tab or site they’re looking for.

Not having one makes you look unprofessional.


Have analysis in place. Improving your website is all good and well but if you don’t know what you’re improving your wasting your time. Having analysis like Google Analytics, Jetpack on WordPress or the Squarespace analytics will show you where people are travelling to on your website, how long they are staying, what matters to them, and where you haven’t answered their questions. The sooner you start tracking this, the better.


Don’t ignore SEO. Typically it takes about 3-6 months for SEO work to start working so again, it’s not something to hang about with. SEO is search engine optimisation and refers to the art of making sure you rank for key terms, key word or phrases and get in front of people looking for what you offer. Most platforms have built in SEO but there is no harm in getting SEO support to find what key terms you should be ranking for. Also consider that when SEO is in place, you should theoretically start to see an increase in web traffic.


When you have content on a page and your sharing relevant and engaging information you also need to ask something of the client in return. At the end of a blog you might want to capture client information or to drive them to a different page on your website. That’s what a call to action will do for you.


With all of this in mind, we need to ensure that we are able to help those that land on our website and prevent them leaving as soon as they land. This can negatively impact our rankings. Offer other content that might be of interest to prospects and keep them on the site. This will tell Google that we were the right site to send them to us.


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