3 tips to grow your business


There are tons of ways you could build your business but in this short article I am exploring three proven business growth methods.

Tip One

Define your business objectives.

Without defining what you’re working towards you’re like a ship without a compass. You need to have pre-defined goals (a business plan) which will steer your marketing strategy and give you something to hold yourself to account with.

Give yourself something to work towards. These objectives don’t have to be numerous but you should write them down. They can be changed but should provide you with focus.

Tip Two

Make it as easy as possible for prospects to purchase from us so don’t put barriers in the way. Marcus Sheridan talks about answering all of the possible questions a client may have so that when they contact us, they are ready to buy. He adds that when they contact us, we’ve overcome any trust objections because we have been both honest and transparent.

Tip Three

Expand your Digital Footprint

After Tip One, this has to be my favourite and I could talk for weeks on this. Consider it simply though. Before someone knows you well enough to part with their hard earned cash on your product or service, you need to have built trust. One of the ways that this is established is by them searching for your business online to verify your credentials.

When they ‘Google’ you, you want to give them as much to look at as possible. To do this, have a website, have social media platforms, be on directories etc. Simply have a great spiders web of ways that you can be found online.


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