Invest in your business


If you look at some of the most successful business in recent years, they all have one thing in common. They invest and reinvest in their business.

What does that investment look like?

  • Branding

  • CRM

  • Marketing

  • Sales

  • Customer Service

  • After-Sales Service

These are just some examples where this investment may come.

Don’t forget to invest in yourself too.

Benjamin Franklin and Warren Buffet have both talked about how this will pay the best dividend.

I have taken the time to write a small piece on where investment might be worthwhile.

Let’s start with Social Media Management. Choosing the right person or firm to partner with on your social media management is crucial to building an audience and ultimately selling using social media marketing. There are too many ‘experts’ (not just being cynical - seen them A LOT) promising the earth and delivering nothing. Truth is, that’s not an investment then, it’s just throwing money into a pit. You need to be seeing results and growth, not always just a growth in sales.

Take your CRM as a second example. For every £1 you invest in your client relationship management or case management system, it will deliver £7 back. It’s a wasted opportunity to ignore the opportunity of re-marketing, client management, automation and reporting. If you’re a legal firm and want a CRM, definitely speak to us.

If we can’t help then I would certainly encourage you to speak to Martyn Jennings (MJ) at Martyn Jennings Consulting for invaluable knowledge and support.

Final example; don’t forget your brand. It’s a valuable part of your business and what people come to recognise as you and your business. When considering brand, recognise that it’s represented in your marketing, through your channels and routes to market and is how you’re viewed. When investing in your branding, there are people who know about branding and those who quite frankly don’t have a clue. Things to remember when it comes to branding include that typically it takes 6 touches before someone trusts you enough to purchase from you.

Consider your investments in yourself and in your business. Measure your Return on Investment. Lastly, look at all of your Key Performance Indicators and measure business growth.


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