DOES AI GEnerated content affect SEO

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought forth a new wave of content creation that has been met with both excitement and trepidation. It is no surprise then, that many businesses are concerned about the effect this kind of AI-generated content might have on their SEO efforts.

As Lincolnshire Marketing, an experienced marketing agency in Lincoln, it is important to understand the implications that AI-generated content has on SEO. In fact, it is fundamental to ensure that a business's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts are not hampered by the increasing presence of AI-generated content online.

AI-generated content can be created with services such as Chat GTP, which provides businesses with automated conversations and blog posts. These have been touted as efficient way to produce large amounts of content without any human input. However, many SEO experts believe that this kind of content could have a negative impact on SEO because it lacks the level of detail and quality that humans are able to provide.

In order to determine whether AI-generated content affects your SEO efforts negatively or positively, we need to look at the data. A recent study from Ahrefs found that sites with AI-generated content saw an average decrease of 20% in organic search traffic. This suggests that using AI-generated content can be detrimental to SEO efforts.

In addition, the study also revealed that AI-generated content takes longer for search engine bots to crawl and index. This means that it is less likely to appear in search engine results, thus affecting the chances of your content being seen by potential customers.

One major concern for businesses is the possibility of copycat or duplicate content being created by different outputs on Chat GPT's platform. As SEO experts at Lincolnshire Marketing know, duplicated content can lead to a lower ranking in search engine results as it dilutes the value of the content.

It is clear that businesses need to be wary of investing in AI-generated content as there are potential SEO risks associated with it.

One of the things that Google have stated is that AI-generated content can rank but their engines consider the quality of the content. It's therefore still important to consider 'Know, Like and Trust' and to become a recognised expert on your subject. Things like getting backlinks from authoritative websites, using keywords smartly and creating engaging content are still essential for effective SEO.

Ultimately, the decision to use AI-generated content for SEO purposes is one that shouldn't be taken lightly. Lincolnshire Marketing can provide businesses with advice on how best to approach the use of AI-generated content, in order to ensure that their SEO efforts are not hindered.

P.S - This was written using AI... (with an element of human input and editing) - we can’t verify reports…


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